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Science Curriculum Intent

At Reintegreat we aim to ensure that every student is able to understand and critically evaluate any scientific problem they may be faced with in an ever-changing, modern world. Through the National Curriculum Programme of Study, we seek to provide an inspiring range of experiences both in and outside the classroom.


Science, whether it is biology, chemistry or physics is a fascinating, ever-growing and ever-developing field of study. The range of careers that come from studying Science are always at the forefront of the media, for example, government, world affairs, community and personal mental and physical health. We want to give students the experience and hence the opportunities to develop their scientific knowledge in addition to enhancing their enquiry, descriptive, explanatory, analytical, mathematical and evaluation skills. Our students will learn about different scientific concepts so that they are able to discuss current affairs relating to nature, the environment and health in addition to other scientific disciplines which are vital to the development and the future of our planet.


The curriculum is challenging and so is the subject. However, our curriculum evokes curiosity and questioning from the students so that they experience a depth and breadth of scientific knowledge.


Overview KS3


Cycle 1

Autumn 1: Cells

Autumn 2: Cells

Spring 1: Particles

Spring 2: Particles

Summer 1: Forces

Summer 2: Forces


Cycle 2

Autumn 1: Interdependence

Autumn 2: Interdependence

Spring 1: Energy

Spring 2: Energy

Summer 1: Science Skills and Case studies

Summer 2: Science Skills and Case studies


Overview KS4


Year 10

Autumn 1: Cells, Atomic structure

Autumn 2: Forces and energy, Human systems

Spring 1: Periodic table and chemical quantities, Electricity

Spring 2: Preventing and treating diseases, Resources and materials

Summer 1: Acids and Alkalis, States of matter

Summer 2: Structures and bonding, Forces and motion.


Year 11

Autumn 1: Ecosystem, Rates of reaction

Autumn 2: Radiation, Inheritance

Spring 1: Carbon chemistry, Waves

Spring 2: Variation and evolution, Earth’s atmosphere

Summer 1: Magnetism

Summer 2: Exam revision and Exams

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