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Online Learning
& Resources



At Reintegreat, our approach to promoting high quality teaching and effective learning is an integral part of our whole school curriculum, underpinned by the aims of the school. It is based on clear values, high expectations and up to date research of effective teaching and learning strategies. We also recognise that it is the responsibility of all staff to provide high quality teaching and learning opportunities in a safe environment which will have a positive influence on the behaviour of our learners.


In order to support learning, we have purchased a programme called Century Learning. Century Learning is an online learning tool that can provide mini-lessons and revision tasks that complement and support in-school learning, this also highlights any gaps in learning and will then create a pathway to address these gaps. Century will be used in school and at home and creates learning pathways unique to each student’s needs and ability. Teachers can also access Century to assign tasks to each student and assess where further support is needed.

If you would like to discuss or have any concerns regarding Century, Please contact Reintegreat and ask for Mr Reed.


More information can be found at:

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