CPD & Training
At Reintegreat we believe in the power of continuous professional development and feel that in order to support children and young people staff must continue to learn and grow. We offer our staff a range of training opportunities and also offer opportunities to colleagues from other settings to learn from us.
Staff at Reintegreat have the opportunity to develop through a range of courses and external providers. Examples of this is staff completing courses such as Safeguarding, First Aid and Health and Hygiene etc. Reintegreat staff complete organised CPD training every week.
“The director recognises that for the young people to be happy and succeed, the staff need to be happy and well-supported. There are progression routes and opportunities for all staff who work for Reintegreat.
At Reintegreat we believe in supporting each other and welcoming colleagues from different settings to visit our school and to learn about the work we do and to be able share good practices. Please get in touch if you would like to arrange a visit to find out more.
Feedback from a recent visit:
“Reintegreat is clearly a special place where students are at the very heart of all that they do. There was an incredible warmth in the school, happiness from both students and staff and it really was such a nice experience. Calm classrooms, purposeful learning environments, engaged students, clear corridors, bespoke support and clarity of purpose were evident no matter where I went or who I spoke to.”