Our Local Govenors
At Reintegreat, we have a strong, well informed Local Governing Body who are committed to the school and ensuring every learner receives the best possible education and achieves the best possible outcomes, to prepare them for the next phase of their lives.
The Local Governing Body members are the strategic leaders of our school. They play an important role in providing challenge and support to the school’s Leadership Team. The Local Governing Body brings together professional expertise and community links. The Local Governing Body has strategic and statutory responsibility for the school.
The Local Governing Body is chaired by Bill Lynas and membership comprises of Headteachers and leaders from Secondary schools and Local Authority representatives. We also have a parent who is part of the Local Governing Body.
The Local Governing Body of Reintegreat are committed to the principles of continuous school improvement. The committee has three core strategic functions:
Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
Providing robust challenges to the Headteacher in relation to all aspects of the work of the school and specifically the educational performance of students, the behaviour and safety of students and the performance of all staff.
Overseeing the financial management of the school and making sure that money is well spent.