Emotional Health & Wellbeing
Student Support
At Reintegreat we believe that a child’s success comes not only from their academic achievements but also through the demonstration of resilience and good mental health. We understand that some of our children have not had the best relationship with education in the past, so we strive to rebuild their confidence and love of learning by building their self-esteem. Building positive relationships between staff and students is paramount to each student's engagement and academic progression.
Children may experience a wide range of social and emotional difficulties which manifest themselves in many ways. These may include becoming withdrawn or isolated, as well as displaying challenging behaviour or showing signs of anxiousness.
We have clear processes to support children with social and emotional needs. This includes the effective management of behaviour
(behaviour policy).
Staff undergo training where necessary in order to support children with particular needs. Staff deliver pastoral support in the form of 1-1 or small group work to develop their social skills.
We also have access to a number of agencies, whom we can approach when we require more specialist support for our children.
Staff Support
We firmly believe that in order to have a school environment where young people feel cared for, valued, safe and inspired it is vital that staff are happy and secure in their roles therefore the school has a detailed staff wellbeing policy that is based on regular staff surveys. Staff morale is a priority and there are several initiatives we employ to ensure that staff morale remains high, even during times where we are feeling pressure.
Debrief at the end of everyday
1-1 support if required
Free access to gym facilities
Team building opportunities
Social events